Unlawful entry offences

A NUMBER of unlawful entry offences were reported to Stanthorpe police recently, with offences committed at Hale Haven Drive, McGlew Street and Goldfields Road at Amiens.
On Wednesday night, 20 November offenders cut the lock from a garage in Hale Haven Drive and stole a pump and chainsaw. The same night
the clubhouse of Stanthorpe Junior Rugby League at CF White Oval had a rollerdoor forced open. Entry was gained but nothing was apparently stolen from the premises on this occasion.
Sometime over the past week or two offenders cut the lock from another shed situated on a property in Goldfields Road and stole a pump and chainsaw.
An 18-year-old male overseas tourist driving a vehicle at The Summit was stopped last Tuesday night for the purpose of a random breath test. A subsequent search of the vehicle located a quantity of cannabis and a set of digital scales, resulting in the man receiving drug diversion.
The following afternoon another male tourist, 34 years old, was found to be in possession of cannabis and drug paraphernalia after being stopped at Thulimbah. A 22-year-old woman from Armidale was also drug diverted after being stopped at Thulimbah and found to be in possession of a pipe used for smoking cannabis.
On Saturday, 23 November at about midnight police intercepted a vehicle containing a number of persons driving on High Street without headlights. A 46-year-old Applethorpe man was occupying the passenger seat of the vehicle without wearing a seatbelt. The man obstructed police, forcing them to handcuff him and transport him to the Stanthorpe Police Station where he was charged with obstructing police.
A 22-year-old male tourist was charged with drink-driving after being intercepted driving a vehicle on High Street at about 2am Sunday morning, 24 November.
The offender produced a reading of 0.112 upon being transported to Stanthorpe Police Station and will appear in Court in December.