Warwick Bowls Club

AT LAST we have the results for the finals of the C/S Pairs which was won by Tom Seaniger and Peter Collis when they defeated Greg Murphy and Doug Christensen on Thursday afternoon 22-12. Greg and Doug held it together until the fifth end but then Tom and Peter took control, winning eight ends in a row to give them a commanding lead. We congratulate Tom and Peter for winning and also Greg and Doug for making the final.
The first game in the S/S Fours will be played on Saturday 30 November between R Bone, K Cunning, C Johnson and H Gibson versus D Neal, C Farrell, K Gimm, P Wagner. Bowlers are asked to be at the club at noon for a 12.30pm start as the club is booked in the evening. Bowlers check the board for the start of the next round.
Results for last Wednesday’s KFC bowls – C Farrell, L Collie, J Simpson 24 vs B Buckel, D Miller, B Johnstone 18; D Neal, B Black, D Warr 16 vs R Valentine, J Ruhle, L McCosker 15; K Cunning, R Bone, C Johnson 23 v T Seaniger, G Niven, H Gibson 19; G Lynam, W Tucker, L Meiklejohn 21 v K Gimm, G Murphy, D Buchbach 21. The family feasts went to Lloyd McCosker’s team and the chooks to Col Johnson’s team, ‘for the lowest winning score.’ We thank KFC for sponsoring this event.
Only one game of triples was played on Saturday – D Neal, A Naylor, J Ruhle 20 defeated K Gimm, B Black, R Rix 16. It was good to see our old mate Ron Rix back in Warwick for a visit.
Looking ahead we have Social and Competition on Saturday, names in by noon play at 12.30pm; Pitsworth Livestock Transport Turkey Day on Sunday; Monthly Triples on Tuesday 3 December; Dad’s Army Wednesday 4 December; Mixed Carnival on Sunday 8 December, with a number of teams needed to fill the green.
Jackpot Pairs will be played on Wednesday 11 December and there are a number of places still vacant, and lastly our Christmas party will be held on Sunday 15 December. A free game of bowls will be played at 3pm followed by a barbecue at 6pm. Subscriptions for 2014 are now due and should be paid before the club closes for the year.
We welcome ladies and visitors to join us on the green on any of these social days. Names in by 12.30 play at 1pm. Phone 4661 5311.