Teen gunshot victim

Police briefs

A 16-YEAR-OLD boy remains in an induced coma in hospital after a shooting incident on the Granite Belt on Friday night.
The lad was hunting with two men, both aged 44, at an olive farm on Collins Road, Glen Aplin.
As the men climbed into the cab of their utility a gun discharged, the bullet going through the roof and hitting the boy who was standing in the back of the ute. He suffered a life-threatening wound to the abdomen.
The teenager was treated at Stanthorpe Hospital before being flown to the Princess Alexandra Hospital in Brisbane.
Police investigations are continuing.

Knifepoint theft
POLICE are seeking a man who held up an antique store attendant at knifepoint at about 1.30pm on Friday afternoon. The offender, who was armed with a knife and wearing a hat and a scarf across his face, entered the shop and demanded money before fleeing the store in a southerly direction on High Street, Stanthorpe. He escaped with a quantity of cash.

Man arrested
POLICE executed a search warrant on premises at a Glen Aplin Caravan Park last Friday 6 December after a man accused of stealing money from the Country Club Hotel the day prior was identified. Police located the offender and a quantity of drugs at the property.
The 30-year-old man was taken into custody and later charged with one count of stealing and another of possessing dangerous drugs. He was transported to a correctional facility because of an outstanding warrant.
The offender will be further charged with the alleged armed hold-up of a shop in Brisbane in July as well as further stealing and fraud offences in Brisbane earlier in the year.

User diverted
POLICE intercepted a Volvo station wagon on the New England Highway at Wallangarra on Sunday morning resulting in the location of a quantity of cannabis.
The 30-year-old passenger of the vehicle later received drug diversion after admitting to possession of the drug.

Caught in act
THREE drink drivers have been caught by Stanthorpe Police during the past week. A 40-year-old old woman was intercepted driving in Rifle Range Road on Thursday afternoon and later recorded .08 per cent. A 49-year-old woman was intercepted driving on Texas Road on Saturday evening, recording .070 on the breathaylser.
On Sunday morning, a 48-year-old man was charged with drink driving after he attempted to avoid a static breath testing site at Applethorpe. He recorded .082 per cent.