Tenterfield Veterans’ Golf

A FIELD of 34 veterans teed off in a Single Stableford event in sunny conditions on Tuesday 3 December.
The December New South Wales Veterans’ shirt winner was won by Michael Manser 43 points on a countback from runner-up Neil Gale 43. Michael had a welcome return to form with Neil continuing his red hot run. Well done guys.
Ball run down to Allan Freeman 41; Tony Hassall 40; Greg Yap and Michael Wish 38; Ruby Gale, Gary Sutcliffe and Terry Daly 37c/b. Best front nine Peter Brown 21; Best Back nine John Gale 20; Pin Shot no 18 Steve Holmes 165 Centimetres; Mystery Hole No. 7 all squared with three-pointers and Captains draw Eric Butler.
Veteran’s golf will continue each Tuesday throughout the holiday season this year.
– John Gale, Veterans Captain.