Tenterfield Veteran Golfers

Tenterfield Veteran Golfers Report.
Tuesday (10 Dec), a field of 32 veterans teed off in a single stableford event with overcast conditions. Winner on the day Steve Holmes recorded 42 points on a count-back from runner-up Brian Curry 42. Ball down the line went to John Gower and Ian Wade 41, Rod Stanford, Tony Hassall and Richie Tweedale 40, Michael Manser and Rod Hair 39. Best front nine went to Neil Gale with 20 points on a count-back. Best back nine went to Ken Hines also with 20 on a count-back. Mystery hole number 13 squared with three pointers. Closest to the pin on the 18th was Ken Hines at 315cm.
Thank go to the Tenterfield Star staff for their support throughout the year.
Tenterfield Veteran Golfers wish all a safe and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Veteran’s golf will continue each Tuesday throughout the holiday season this year.