Warwick East Bowls Club

Warwick East Bowls Club
Sunday last was the club Christmas party with 30 members present. The ladies as usual put on lunch, which was followed by two games of triples.
Results: T. Spence, D. Sullivan, G. Dent drew D. Meneely, N. Farmer, R. Philps 10 all. W. Gibson, B. Rowlings, G. Shelley drew D. Hughes, P. Dipplesman, V. Nelson 11 all.
A great way to finish 2013 shows the Christmas spirit. The heat was the big factor with shortage of numbers playing – it was about 42 degrees on the green.
The results of the Christmas Hampers were as follows; 1st L. Osborne, 2nd L. Potter and 3rd M. Eastwell. Warwick East would like to thank all the sellers for their assistance and the public in making this a great success once again, also Rose City for allowing ticket sales on their premises.
Thursday, 2 January will be the first day for open triples. Names should be in by 12.30 for a 1pm start. Please note the time change.
Veteran singles are set down for Tuesday 14 January 9.30am. Nominated players must play on or before this date.
Warwick East Bowls Club would like to thank Southern Free Times for printing notes and results throughout 2013 and look forward to 2014.