Eye-spy assault

Police briefs

STANTHORPE police have reported a relatively trouble-free New Year, with just one serious incident reported.
Police said that while reviewing CCTV footage from Victoria Street, two females were observed repeatedly punching another woman.
Inquiries revealed the 19-year-old victim had been set upon by the two offenders, aged 22 and 23, however no assault complaint was made.
Police charged both offenders with Public Nuisance offences and they are due to appear in court in January.

Drug charges
A 40-YEAR-OLD truckie was charged with possessing dangerous drugs seized a quantity of amphetamines in the cab of his vehicle.
Police has been conducting a routine traffic stop of a prime mover at Thulimbah on 30 December.
In a separate incident, Police attending an address in Symes Street on New Year’s Day resulted in a 17-year-old girl being charged with possessing dangerous drugs and utensils after police located a quantity of cannabis and drug paraphernalia.
Elsewhere at Cottonvale, police intercepted a vehicle on the afternoon of 5 January and found a quantity of cannabis. The 29-year-old occupant of the vehicle received drug diversion for the offence.

No giving way
AT 5.45am on Tuesday 31 December a two-vehicle injury traffic accident occurred at the intersection of Stanton and Folkestone Streets with one of the drivers suffering what was believed to be a fractured arm.
Police said it was an all-too familiar scenario, with both vehicles driven by international visitors, and one driver travelled at speed through a Give Way sign collecting the other vehicle.

Bad start to year
AT least one driver is still feeling the effects of his New Year’s handover after being charged with drink-driving offences this past week.
Police intercepted his vehicle in High Street, Stanthorpe at 3.30pm on 1 January and the 38-year-old driver recorded a reading of 0.084 per cent.

Truck rolled
TRAFFIC on the New England Highway at Stanthorpe was briefly disrupted on Sunday evening after the driver of a B-double truck lost control of the vehicle and it rolled onto its side.
Police said fortunately, the vehicle came to rest completely off the road so traffic disruption was minimal. No injuries were sustained by the driver.