Southern Downs Rifle Club

The club held its first shoot for the year on Sunday 5 January on the 300 yard range. The day was a great improvement, not being as hot as previous days, however the wind was not kind to some of the shooters.
The scores for Target Rifle (Iron Sights) out of a possible 105 were Jim Dickenson 105.11, Les Pedersen 96.2 and Chris Neave 94.5. Congratulations to Jim Dickenson who had a great shoot, Chris Neave had a bad start on the first range but recovered well on the second, only dropping 3 points. The scores for the F Class (Scope Class) out of a possible 126 were Murray Reck 113.2, Daryl Reck 108.2, David Taylor 105.1, Margaret Taylor 104.1, Bob Locke 103.1 and Mark Locke who only completed one range 60.4.
This Sunday shooters will be on the 400 yard range. New shooters and members are most welcome. Come along and try long range target shooting for a sport, you will meet some great people who are only too happy to assist you. If you do not have a rifle for the day we can arrange for a club rifle to be made available – contact Chris Neave on mobile 0417 64 94 71 or Rob Bondfield on 0408 378 724 or Barry Russell on 46 810 835.