Southern Cross Bowls

ONE game of social bowls was played last Sunday with B. Doherty and T. Hagley defeating C. Hope and B. Bourke 21-15. This coming Saturday 8 February will be social mixed bowls. Anyone wishing to have a game will be most welcome. Names in by 1pm for 1.30pm start. There will be no bowls on Sunday as we have a team going to the Warwick Club for their carnival.
A reminder our open carnival will be on 16 February.
Results of the ladies A Grade singles played last Thursday: L. Butler d L. Heywood 25-19. Thanks to Daph for marking. My apologies for calling this game the final as it was actually the semi-final. The call up for the final will be tomorrow Thursday 6 February between L. Butler and B. Cross starting at 1pm. This will be play or forfeit.
Social game results: D. Wheeler, B. Donovon, C. Sawyer d D. Wheeler, B. O’Brien, Y. Reid 15-12.
We welcome Debbie Wheeler to our club as a new member and wish her happy bowling.
Many thanks to our ladies who catered for the district fours, which were played at our club last Saturday. The meal was superb as usual.
Our next meeting will also be tomorrow at 10.30am.