Fatal Five kill five

Straight road. Clear Sky. One dead. Why? 114745_01


FIVE weeks, five fatals.
A 53-year-old man from the Brisbane suburb of Griffin died last Sunday after the motorcycle he was riding collided with a truck on the New England Highway at The Glen, south of Warwick.
The fatality brings to five the number of people who have died on the New England highway between Warwick and the NSW border this year.
Darling Downs District Inspector Ben Marcus has pleaded with drivers just to obey the road rules and think seriously about their manner of driving.
He also flagged a high level overt and covert police presence on local roads as part of the response to this tragic fatality rate in the Southern Downs.
Inspector Marcus said that of the five fatalities in the last five weeks, four of these crashes had involved a vehicle moving onto the incorrect side of the road.
“In this regard it appears that inattention is playing a large part in the loss of lives on our roads,” he said.
Inspector Marcus said investigating police will review all serious road crashes and consider the three “E”s – education, enforcement and engineering and what roles these played in the causal factors linked to these crashes.
However, he said it was an unfortunate fact that driver error is being flagged as a major contributor to the recent increase in fatal crashes in the area.
The latest fatal crash occurred around 12.20pm last Sunday and involved the motor cycle and a heavy vehicle.
“Fortunately the driver of the truck was not injured but these crashes have a permanent effect on those who are involved or witness them in addition to the emergency services personnel who are required to respond to the crashes.
“Road safety is actually very, very simple,” Inspector Marcus said.
“It’s about having a set of rules aimed at stopping collisions between vehicles on our roads and if everybody obeys the rules we won’t have fatal crashes.
“If you just stay in your own lane and are aware of your driving environment you should be safe, but if you stray from your side of the road the consequences can be pretty dire,” Inspector Marcus said.
“We will continue to target the Fatal Five of speeding, drink and drug driving, not wearing seatbelts, fatigue, and distraction and inattention,” he said.
Inspector Marcus said that the Queensland Police Service would continue to keep a high profile on the New England Highway and call on the assistance of Road Policing Unit staff from the Southern Region and Brisbane to ensure a safe environment on roads in the Southern Downs.
Stanthorpe police Senior Sergeant Bruce Willett said motorists need to ensure they have adequate rest prior to leaving and during their journey.
“Ultimately drivers have to take responsibility for the actions they take behind the wheel and are not only jeopardising their own safety but that of other road users,” he said.
Warwick Police Senior Sergeant Stewart Day said it has been a terrible start to the year.
“We are urging all people, before leaving on a trip, to consider what would happen to their families if they didn’t arrive safely,” he said.
“Drive to the conditions, pay attention, take regular rest breaks. Solely concentrate on driving safely and don’t concern yourself with other matters,” Sen Sgt Day said.
“Police will continue to have a strong presence on the New England Highway and all roads in the Warwick area, but enforcement alone can’t reduce fatal traffic crashes.”
Sen Sgt Day said many believed young men were most at risk on the roads, but most fatalities on the Southern Downs involved older people.
“Over the last 12 months, it’s mainly the middle-aged who are dying,” he said.

Our fatal highway:

7 January
French backpacker killed in smash at Glen Aplin, about 10km south of Stanthorpe.
22 January
Toowoomba truck driver killed in fiery smash 25km south of Warwick.
1 February
Tenterfield mother died in crash, daughter left critical after crash just south of Stanthorpe.
6 February
54-year-old Stanthorpe man killed in head-on with truck near Dalveen.
9 February
A 53-year-old Griffin man died after the motorcycle he was riding collided with a truck at The Glen.