Celebrating golden days

CLIFTON High School turns 50 this year and from an inauspicious beginning the school has developed into a respected learning institution.
When the new secondary department opened on Tuesday, 28 January 1964 there were 112 students, but no desks or seats for them.
With a bit of effort the furniture arrived the next day, giving early confirmation of the school’s motto: Success Crowns Effort.
The Clifton State High School Jubilee Committee has invited past pupils, friends, families and others interested in the school to join in the golden jubilee celebrations at Easter.
A golden jubilee gala evening will be held at the Clifton Recreation Reserve on Easter Saturday, 19 April, and the following day there will be the official jubilee ceremony. It will feature foundation student Greg Platz, past principals, and entertainment by past student Kevin Smith.
The Sunday jubilee ceremony will also include licensed bar, food stall, horse-riding display, souvenirs and self-guided tours.
The school community will also launch a building fund for a proposed Agriculture and Equine Centre.