Warwick Bowls Club

THE B Singles would have been selected last Saturday but I don’t have the draw to hand, so if you have nominated, check the board and be prepared to play next Saturday.
The Open Singles are open for nomination and will close on Saturday, 8 March with play starting on the following Saturday.
Don’t forget that the club starts its sponsor days on Sunday with Warwick Watchmakers.
A couple of teams may be lost to the Summit Carnival that day so bowlers are asked to make a special effort to attend as John Walsh has provided expensive clocks for prizes.
The AGM held last Saturday was well attended and it was good to see that some positions were contested. We thank the outgoing officials and committee, and welcome in the new with some new faces, and some old. Membership has been raised to $90 but greenfees will remain at $10. Percy Cutmore was returned as Patron; Max Holder as President of the Management Committee; Judy Cutmore was appointed secretary; Trevor Wright was returned as Treasurer; Barry Johnson takes on Providore, Ian Campbell was returned as Green’s Director. New faces on the committee include Jim Rickard, Mick O’Leary and Darren Rabbitt. It was a pity members didn’t see fit to appoint at least one lady as they are so important in the running of our club.
Doug Warr was returned as Men’s President after a few years’ spell and Les Meiklejohn carries on as Secretary. Bryan Black is back as Games Director, and Hewan Gibson as Coordinator and Publicity Officer. The Men’s Committee will comprise Phil Wagner, Jim Rickard, Keith Gimm, Darren Rabbitt, Mick O’Leary,and Percy Cutmore. John Simpson was elected as SDMDBA deligate. The selectors for the year will be Brian, Peter, Ian, John, and Doug.
Last Wednesday was Jackpot day and here are the results, Gordon, P Collis +11; D Miller, D Buchbach +10; M Holder, E Welsh – 6; K Blomfield, L Collie +10; K Gimm, J Ruhle + 8; Jim McCallum, G Kerr – 6; C Farrell, H Gibson – 22; D Warr, B Black – 2; B Buckel, C Johnson – 6; D Neal, R Smith -12; L Meiklejohn, B Hansen + 5; A Naylor, M O’Leary – 7; K Cunning, B Johnstone + 23. Card 11 missing.
The Jackpot didn’t go off but the chooks went to Cliff Farrell and Hewan Gibson on -22, which just goes to show that you don’t have to bowl brilliantly on jackpot day to walk away with some of the booty. Looking ahead B Singles and Social will be played on Saturday, Watchmakers on Sunday and Summer’s Cash Day on Wednesday 26 February. Ladies and visitors are welcome to join us on the green on any of these days, names in by 12.30 play at 1pm. Phone 4661 1516.