Traffic feedback sought

FEEDBACK is being sought on traffic safety measures implemented near Warwick High School earlier this year.
Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) is following up to determine whether the new features, which were introduced in March, have been successful in increasing student and pedestrian safety along Palmerin, Albert and Victoria streets.
Following an extensive and targeted consultation period, council’s technical advisers, Department of Transport and Main Roads, and Queensland police reviewed the responses received and recommended a number of treatments that aligned with the feedback and current legislation.
One of the most prominent features is the painted refuge in Palmerin Street, which provides students and other pedestrians with a safe haven to stand when crossing the road.
The refuge also assists to reduce the speed of vehicles by narrowing the available road space.
Other safety measures introduced included fencing of the existing pedestrian crossing and flashing lights in Victoria Street.
Enforcement of the regulated parking spaces in Palmerin Street (between Albert and Victoria Streets) has also been introduced as a means to reduce parking congestion for school visitors and business customers in the area.
SDRC manager of infrastructure services Stephen Bell said it was now time to find out via a short survey whether the community think the new measures have helped solve the problem of pedestrian and vehicular safety in the area.
“Council is using its online community engagement tool `Bang the Table’ and we are encouraging people to visit council’s website to have their say,” Mr Bell said.
“They need to go to and then click on the button on the front page which says `have your say’.
“We know there were some very strongly held beliefs about the Warwick High School safety issues so we urge everyone to contribute their views and feedback.”
The consultation period will be open until 27 July.