Socially speaking

FACEBOOK and Twitter visionary Nick Bowditch is coming to Warwick on 3 November to speak at an innovative Young Entrepreneur’s Seminar that will inspire, motivate, educate and equip young people to start up creative new businesses.
Southern Downs Regional Council young leader Dominic Andersen-Strudwick, who is a high school student and young entrepreneur, put forward the idea of the seminar as part of his young leader duties.
“I have a passion for entrepreneurship and I wanted to share my enthusiasm. I know our region has a wealth of knowledge and experience and I thought if I could bring young people, business people and inspirational people in the one room then we could really spark something incredible,” he said.
“I approached Mr Bowditch about presenting at the seminar and he agreed straight away. He feels regional seminars like this are the beginning point for ingenuity and from this a great deal can grow.
Mr Bowditch is the former head of Small Business Marketing for Australian and New Zealand at Facebook and is currently the Small Business Evangelist at Twitter Australia.
Another speaker for the day is Kelvin Hutchinson who is the immediate past chairman of Queensland Entrepreneurs.
“Mr Hutchinson has an immense wealth of business start-up experience having invested, managed and chaired a range of technology, property and marketing businesses in Australia and South East Asia over the past 20 years,” Mr Andersen-Strudwick said.
“To round off this extensive level of experience our final speaker is Trevor Burton, owner of Warwick and Stanthorpe McDonalds Restaurants. Mr Burton has built a strong business presence on the Southern Downs and his expertise will also help shape discussions at our event.
“I’m really looking forward to the day and encourage young people aged between 12 and 18 years to attend. We do ask people to RSVP by phoning 1300 697 372 by October 27,” he said.