Tougher fire ban penalties

NORTHERN Tablelands MP Adam Marshall has welcomed the passage through State Parliament of tough new penalties that will empower the NSW Police Force and the NSW Rural Fires Service (RFS) to bring those who deliberately and recklessly disregard Total Fire Ban warnings before the courts.
Under the new strong measures included in the Rural Fires Amendment Act 2014, Mr Marshall said offenders could be prosecuted under a new offence and face a fine of up to $132,000 and/or seven years prison time if they deliberately light or allow a fire to escape their property on a Total Fire Ban day.
“In what is predicted to be a difficult bushfire season this year, and with total fire bans in place currently, these new laws are timely and ensure firebugs will have to face the consequences of their actions,” he said.
“A jury can still find someone guilty of the existing offence which carries serious penalties of up to $110,000 and up to five years prison time, if they think the person did not have enough warning that a Total Fire Ban was in place.”
Other changes will allow NSW Police and RFS to penalise less serious offenders with fines up to $2200.
“Unfortunately, we still see a lot of people ignore warnings and conduct burns on their own properties with complete disregard for Total Fire Bans,” Mr Marshall said.
“Out of control fires have a devastating impact on life, property and communities.
“It’s only right that those who cause this devastation should have the book thrown at them.”
Other amendments contained in the new laws streamline fire permit requirements and ensure those who throw lit cigarettes, matches or other “fire objects” from a vehicle will be held accountable, not just the registered owner.