Handover on hold

The Laura Geitz Celebration Day has been rescheduled to 22 November due to the netballer undergoing knee surgery.

KNEE surgery has forced the postponement of a special ceremony honouring local netball star Laura Geitz.
Southern Downs Regional Council mayor Peter Blundell was scheduled to present the Commonwealth Games Gold Medallist and Australian Netball Team captain with a key to the region last Saturday.
But the Laura Geitz Celebration Day has been rescheduled to Saturday 22 November after the Allora-born athlete advised council last Tuesday she was going under the knife.
The sportswoman apologised for the inconvenience.
“The doctors are saying I need to have the surgery done so I am really in their hands,” she said.
“However I really look forward to coming to Allora on 22 November.”
Cr Blundell will present the key to Ms Geitz at 2pm at the Allora Sports Museum where many of her successes and career highlights are displayed.
A celebration afternoon tea with be held following the presentation at the Commercial Hotel.