Men’s Shed gets a lift

Maranoa MP Bruce Scott tests out the new chair lift at Warwick's Men's Shed last Saturday as secretary Ian Stevens (far right) and other Shed members look on.


USERS of Warwick’s Men’s Shed are in for a smoother ride thanks to the installation of a chair lift.
The piece of machinery, made possible by a $4000 Federal Government grant, will assist injured or infirm members to access the second level of the shed.
Men’s Shed secretary Ian Stevens said the club, which has about 30 members, six of whom are 85 or over, applied for the funding earlier this year.
“Right at the moment we have two blokes that have both had their knees done and they are using it and another fellow has had his hip done so they are finding it very necessary and I daresay more of us will need it down the track,” he said.
“The stairs lead to our upstairs social area so we have got the shed down the bottom on the ground floor and our social area is upstairs where we have our meetings and get-togethers.”
The Men’s Shed operates Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 9am to noon and is open to all males.
“There is a quite a few of them that really live for their time at the shed,” Mr Stevens said.
“They would be very lost without it whether they are doing hobbies or woodwork or metal work or are just there to enjoy the company of other men.”
Federal Maranoa MP Bruce Scott was on hand to unveil the chair lift last Saturday.