New policy for SAFEMEAT

SAFEMEAT will phase out all but the most recent versions of Livestock Production Assurance (LPA) National Vendor Declarations (NVDs) in 2015.
The chair of SAFEMEAT Partners, Ross Keane, has announced that the policy will apply to all LPA NVDs prior to the 0413 versions for cattle, EU cattle, sheep and goats and the 0412 version for bobby calves.
Mr Keane highlighted SAFEMEAT’s strong support of actions already taken by a number of major meat processors, who have declared they will only bid for, or accept stock accompanied by the most recent version of the cattle, sheep, goat or bobby calf LPA NVDs.
“This action has been necessary to reduce confusion, deliver consistency in the order and nature of the questions on the LPA NVD, and to provide specific assurances to meet domestic and importing country requirements,” he said.
“The LPA NVDs play a key role in supporting and promoting Australia’s reputation as a reliable supplier of safe, residue-free meat and meat products to domestic and international markets.
“The information contained in LPA NVDs is critical to rapidly tracing animal movements in the event of a disease or residue emergency. While the older versions continue to meet regulatory requirements, changes to the content and order of questions over time have resulted in LPA NVD versions that no longer satisfy the commercial needs of the red meat and livestock industry.”
Several major processors have already announced they will only accept the latest LPA NVD version, and it is anticipated others will follow suit with flow on effects to saleyards and feedlots.
Producers will need to comply with these commercially driven requirements or accept the likelihood that buyers representing processors will not bid for stock consigned with older forms.
SAFEMEAT is seeking to expedite the availability of integrated electronic NVD options aimed at allowing the ‘paperless’ movement of stock from properties to saleyards, feedlots and abattoirs before announcing a firm expiration date in 2015.
Mr Keane said transitioning to electronic NVD systems would help the industry to avoid future redundancy problems caused by printed forms, as electronic NVDs could be immediately updated to meet changing market requirements.
SAFEMEAT’s focus is now on developing a set of minimum standards and system requirements to allow a path to market for these systems. Hard copy LPA NVD books will continue to be available for those who cannot access electronic systems.
“SAFEMEAT will provide further advice to the market as the situation evolves, but producers are now on notice that they will need to either purchase the latest version of the LPA NVD book or access electronic alternatives to avoid any problems with the acceptance of old LPA NVD versions,” Mr Keane said.
Producers can order a new hard copy LPA NVD booklet online or purchase electronic LPA NVDs hereFor more information or to purchase hard copy LPA NVD books, producers can call the LPA Helpdesk on 1800 683 111.