Park signs in play

A total of 41 signs were installed across Tenterfield Shire at a cost of $17,300.

NEW photographic signs displaying the range of activities that can be undertaken in a park and those that should be avoided have recently been installed in all green spaces across Tenterfield Shire.
Tenterfield Shire Council rangers are requesting residents take heed of the information and use the public spaces appropriately.
“Tenterfield town has two off-leash areas at the Hockey Fields and Apex Park where residents are free to unleash their pets for exercise and socialisation,” Mayor Peter Petty said.
“It would really be appreciated if dog owners would obey these signs for the comfort of all park users.”
This includes picking up after dogs, which can be done using the tidy-bags provided along the pathway connecting the parks throughout the Tenterfield town.
Additionally, all dogs should be kept under control on a lead in any public place, unless otherwise stated as an off-leash area.
Forty-one signs were erected across the shire at a cost of $17,300, which included supply of poles and installation.