Young pilots take flight

James Klein and Daniel Siaw being presented with certificates by Northern Rivers Aero Club senior flying instructor Peter Lefrancke. Inset is Darcy Meek.

EARLIER this year The Scots PGC College developed a partnership with Northern Rivers Aero Club (NRAC), located in Lismore, with the vision of developing flying training as a co-curricular and personal development activity.
Since then, several students have undertaken flying training with three students now successfully completing their solo pilot status.
Becoming a pilot is not an easy task, it requires dedication, commitment, a desire to achieve and a great deal of self-discipline.
With the support of the college, their families and experienced flying instructors, these students have achieved something many only dream of.
These students can now take off, fly, carry out emergency procedures in the air, and land an aircraft before they can drive a car.
All these students have aspirations of continuing their flying with James Klein from Goondiwindi hoping to join the air force as a pilot at the completion of Year 12 and students Darcy Meek (Year 10, Warwick) and Daniel Siaw (Year 11, Malaysia) looking forward to achieving more hours in the air to achieve their General Aviation Licence.