Water woes worsen

HIGH level water restrictions have been triggered across the Southern Downs as dam levels continue to plummet. Effective immediately, Warwick, Yangan, Allora, Dalveen, Pratten, Leyburn and Karara will join Stanthorpe on high level restrictions, while Killarney and Wallangarra will remain on permanent water restrictions as outlined in the table.
Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) manager Water and Wastewater Tendekai Mapeza said restrictions jumped from medium to high when Leslie Dam dropped to 30 per cent capacity on 25 November.
“During the last three months our rainfall has been exceptionally low with forecasters suggesting that there is little prospect of any significant rain for an extended period into summer and the new year,” Mr Mapeza said.
“The result of this is that our dams are dropping quite quickly and have reached the levels where council is obliged to impose more stringent water restrictions.”
Under high water conservation measures, residents are forbidden to use water sprinklers or fixed irrigation systems and the maximum consumption target is 170 litres per person per day.
Hand watering is allowed for one hour per day, between 6pm and 7pm, three times a week, with odd or no number households cleared to water their gardens on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays and even number properties on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays.
Mr Mapeza urged residents to be mindful of their water use and avoid wastage.
“The next level is extreme and the maximum consumption target is 140 litres per person per day,” he said.
High level water restrictions were introduced in the Stanthorpe area on 1 September 2014.
The SDRC Drought Management Plan, which outlines additional conditions applying to businesses, can be found at www.sdrc.qld.gov.au.

See the detail of the restrictions:

SDRC – water restrictions