Car park courtesy grossly wanting

THE countdown to Christmas is officially on, locals are hitting the shops for festive season supplies, but some might be headed for Santa’s naughty list, according to new research.
Car park courtesy is seriously lacking in Queensland, with more than half (56 per cent) of Queensland drivers saying they have had another driver steal their parking space while they were clearly waiting for it, according to Suncorp Insurance.
Suncorp insurance spokesperson, Melissa Cronin, said the statistics show Queenslanders clearly need to remember what the festive season is all about.
“For some reason, instead of bringing joy to the world and peace to car parks this festive season, mums and dads, pensioners and P-platers are turning into destructive drivers and car park stealing grinches in the mad rush to nab the parking space closest to the doors,” Ms Cronin said.
“We all know that in December shopping centre car parks become increasingly busy, and a free parking space – especially one close to the entrance – becomes more and more elusive, however that shouldn’t mean we let common courtesy and motoring manners fly out the window.”
Other disturbing behaviours identified in the research included:
· 38 per cent of Queenslanders have had their car damaged while parked in the past year
· 87 per cent of those drivers said the person who caused the damage didn’t even leave a note
· 18 per cent of Queensland drivers would think twice about leaving their details if they damaged a vehicle in a car park and no one saw it.