Coal mining draws protest


MORE than 100 people turned out to Goomburra Town Hall on 17 December in a show of solidarity against APEC Coal’s proposed exploration of the area.
President of the Southern Downs Protection Group (SDPG) Sarah Moles said there was a very strong atmosphere of unity on the night.
“There was unanimous support for SDPG to write to council, urging them not to approve drilling on council lands (road reserves and easements),” she said.
“No-one in the hall indicated a willingness to allow APEC Coal onto their property to test drill.”
Cr Jamie Mackenzie and Rob McCreath, from the Friends of Felton (FOF), both spoke at length; Cr Mackenzie about what council can and cannot do, and Mr McCreath on FOF’s experience campaigning against Amber Energy.
An officer from the Department of Natural Resources and Mining was also there and Ms Moles provided some background on SDPG, Lock the Gate Alliance and an update on recent changes to Queensland legislation, which “favours the mining and resources sector significantly over the interests of members of the wider public – and the environment“.
But while there was unanimous opposition to coal mining in the Goomburra Valley, opinions differed on what stance to take.
“Some are willing to be involved in a future creative action to send a very clear signal to APEC that a coal mine at Goomburra is just not on. Others would prefer a more conservative approach,“ Ms Moles said.
Future meetings are likely.
Concerned residents can contact Ms Moles on 4666 6125.