Burning busy

Stanthorpe Police Reports

EMERGENCY services were kept busy on Saturday, responding to two fires.
The first occured shortly after 7pm on Dalcouth Road, Dalcouth, when cooking oil caught on fire resulting in the destruction of a shed.
Meanwhile, about midnight, NSW police requested the assistance of Stanthorpe police at a house fire in Liston. Stanthorpe police attended and found the house well ablaze, assisting at the scene until Tenterfield police arrived and took over the investigation.

Blood test
A 37-YEAR-OLD Dalveen man was taken into custody and transported to hospital about 2.20am on Saturday after a passing witness observed a damaged vehicle on the side of Rabbit Fence Road with a male apparently asleep behind the wheel.
A blood specimen was taken from the man and sent away for analysis after police detected the smell of liquor on his breath.

Visitors charged
POLICE patrolling the Glen Aplin area about 11.40pm on Saturday attempted to intercept two vehicles near the intersection of Reid Road and the New England Highway.
The driver of one of the vehicles stopped and began walking off while the second attempted to reverse to avoid police.
The drivers of the vehicles, both overseas visitors, were detained and found to be affected by liquor.
One, aged 26, later recorded .109 per cent and the other, a 28-year-old, .064 per cent.
Both will appear in Stanthorpe Magistrates’ Court in February charged with drink driving.

Carpark crash
A MINOR traffic crash in the carpark of Stanthorpe IGA on Sunday evening resulted in the driver of one of the vehicles being charged with drink driving.
The 58-year-old Pozieres man recorded a high reading of .211 per cent.

Crop chop
TWO men were charged with producing dangerous drugs after a cannabis crop was located off Limberlost Road, Fletcher.
As a result of inquiries, police later executed search warrants on two addresses in Symes and Ellevsen streets, Stanthorpe, where the two, aged 30 and 31 were taken into custody.
Further drugs, including amphetamines, were located at the addresses resulting in further drug related charges.

Smoked out
AT ABOUT 3pm last Thursday police located a Ford utility containing containing three males parked in Donnellys Castle Road, Thulimbah.
On being approached, police detected a strong smell of cannabis resulting in a search of the vehicle.
One occupant, a 19-year-old man, was later charged with possessing dangerous drugs after a quantity of cannabis and a smoking utensil were located in the vehicle.

Domestic disturbance
POLICE responded to a domestic disturbance in Roberts Road on Sunday morning where a male had destroyed property at the residence.
The 26-year-old man was taken into custody and transported to Warwick Watchhouse charged with destruction of property and breaching a Domestic Violence Order.
An objection to bail was lodged as the man was currently on bail, which included reporting conditions, for previous offences.