Chamber backs streetscape plan

STANTHORPE Chamber of Commerce president John Bylicki.


STANTHORPE Chamber of Commerce president John Bylicki says he is concerned that misinformation and misunderstanding of Stanthorpe’s streetscape is causing unnecessary angst among Stanthorpe residents.
The Stanthorpe Chamber of Commerce recently announced it supported the Southern Downs Regional Council’s $82,500 architectural report into improving the Stanthorpe streetscape.
The announcement has drawn criticism from several residents who are calling for more focus on locals and local business.
Speaking with the Free Times, Mr Bylicki said the streetscape was a prudent part of maintaining and improving Stanthorpe’s major asset – “its main street” – and he has stressed the value of maintaining streetscapes.
“The chamber has a streetscape sub-committee that has focused on this issue for quite a few years,’ he said.
“The simple reason is that the chamber understands that streetscape is important to the economic well being of our town.”
Mr Bylicki said the contract awarded to the landscape architect was for actual work not as suggested by some, for consultancy, research or some form of discussion paper.
“If you build a house, you would use the services of architect/planners to firstly produce a detailed plan for contractors and to satisfy compliance requirements and probably lenders,” he said.
“This is no different other than it’s very much larger and requires a high level of specialisation. The work is considerable and not something that can be knocked out by just anyone.”
Mr Bylicki said the plans produced by the landscape architect were critical and he referred to a recent report from the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development which made the following points in regards to streetscape.
“Quality of urban design has direct contribution to local economy; quality of urban design attracts visitors, new residents, and employment and quality of urban design impacts lifestyle and community interaction,” he said.
“It covers streetscape for the main street and adjoining areas for years to come. This ensures all future work is true to the intended design and does not become a patchwork of jobs – the council will be seeking funding support from Government and without the detailed plan no submission would be considered.
“Streetscape is a legitimate and proper function of council and mechanisms are in place to assist with funding provided the correct procedures are followed.”