Costly tourism move opposed

A SOUTHERN Downs regional councillor has slammed the proposal to form a single tourism entity for the Southern Downs Region.
At the council’s February 2015 General Meeting, Councillor Jamie Mackenzie again opposed the formation of one tourism entity for the Southern Downs Region.
“One tourism entity has been suggested several times before but not adopted to date because council cannot afford it,” Cr Mackenzie said.
“There are better options that we did not get to table at council.”
“Council annually contributes $500,000 towards tourism at present.
“So far, one new entity means $370,000 goes on higher staff costs before funds are found for office set-up, events and promotion campaigns. Perhaps, supporters of one entity may have a different view knowing a new special tourism levy, general rate rise or increased borrowings in the 2015/’16 budget will pay for it?”
“We have struggling residents, businesses and farmers paying thousands of dollars in rates. The forced amalgamation into one tourism entity in my view means more local taxes are needed to cover the extra staff, more cars, more computers, more miles between Warwick and Stanthorpe, more office space and more parochialism with little direct benefit to many of our ratepayers,” Cr Mackenzie said.
“I understand that there is not overwhelming support for one entity across the region, especially as it will duplicate the role of Granite Belt Wine and Tourism,” Cr Mackenzie said.
“The decision effectively wipes out funds of $180,000 for Stanthorpe’s Granite Belt Wine and Tourism from July this year.”
“I am thankful for the TEAM tourism report, the various consultative committees and feedback from many tourism stakeholders to date,” Cr Mackenzie said.
“Those consulted were divided over one or two entities, but we received the same message over and over again: more area promotion campaigns of the Southern Downs Region are wanted immediately.”
“In my view, we could have stuck to current budgets and re-deployed spending to achieve greater area promotion. I cannot be positive about a new entity that potentially means more staff, less output and is not funded yet especially when there are better choices.”
“We did not get to consider an alternative to one new entity whereby local Visitor Information Centres are run separately by local groups in each community. More and more these days, council staff are overtaking these roles and we wonder why the rates go up and the council debts get bigger,” Cr Mackenzie said.
“A slight but positive change would have been to transform Warwick Tourism and Events into ‘Southern Downs Events’ to annually assist six large events across the region and to support six smaller where possible and an area promotions program as the ‘sister entity’ to promote each community to target markets in co-ordination with Granite Belt Wine and Tourism.”
“The focus needs to change to pro-active area promotion of agri-tourism – highlighting our rural produce, our urban and rural landscapes and the associated tourist and development potential.”
“Opportunities exist to promote the complimentary tourist attractions on the Southern Downs, its fabulous climate, history and local produce. We are uniquely positioned in a corner of the bush just over the hills from Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Northern Rivers fruit bowl,” Cr Mackenzie said.