Girls, now that’s a plan

THIS International Women’s Day, Sunday 8 March, the Cancer Council is calling on all Queensland women to create a cancer prevention plan, following findings that thousands of female cancer diagnoses could be avoided each year.
Around 3500 Queensland female cancers diagnosed annually are caused by modifiable lifestyle behaviours, such as smoking and too much sun exposure.
Cancer Council Queensland spokeswoman Katie Clift said International Women’s Day was a day for women to celebrate their lives by reducing their risk of ill-health.
“All Queensland women should create a personal cancer prevention plan, in consultation with their GP and Cancer Council’s 13 11 20,” Ms Clift said.
“This International Women’s Day is the perfect opportunity for women to prioritise their well-being and start thinking about healthy lifestyle behaviours that can prevent illness and disease and enrich quality of life.
“Up to one third of all cancer cases are preventable with a few simple changes to lifestyle factors.
“At the top of our list are eating healthily and exercising regularly, avoiding alcohol, quitting smoking, and staying smart in the sun.
“We’re calling on women to take action today to prevent a cancer diagnosis tomorrow.”
More information about Cancer Council Queensland, and ways to cut your cancer risk, is available at or 13 11 20.