Around the grounds

Allora Tennis
THE concept of Sunday social tennis at Allora has been keenly embraced, with participants from Allora, Deuchar, Hendon and Thane enjoying a hit this week.
“We are really pleased with the response so far. A number of people couldn’t make it for the first week but look forward to joining in next week or in future weeks” said organiser Andrew Dunn. Tennis will be played from 2.30pm each Sunday of autumn, including Easter Sunday.
The ball fee is $3 per player, and players are asked to bring their own refreshments. Players of all abilities and families are most welcome. Spare racquets are available for new players and visitors. For more information, call Andrew or Catherine on 4666 2260.
SOUTHERN Downs Rifle Club results
Shot at 600 yards. F Standard Rifle possible 126. Beth Caskey 118.3, Graham Eagle 110.3, D. Mansfield 107.2, Neville Willsea 102.1, Rob Smythe. F Open Rifle possible 126. Bob Tyllyer 119.7, David Taylor 119.5, Margaret Taylor 108.1. Target Rifle possible 105. Rob Bondfield 104.8 Congratulations to Bob Tyllyer with the highest score for the day again. Some of us may have done a little better if we had set the sights back to zero before coming to the range. Beaut day with only light winds but still a couple of changes enough to make a six a five. Next week 29 March 2015, there will be a full range day. Ten scoring shots each at 300 and 500 then a Mediterranean barbecue lunch for a small contribution followed by 10 rounds at 600 yards.
Southern Cross Bowls Club
TWO games of singles were played this past Thursday. D. Cross d Y. Reid 25-20 in a very close game. The other game between M. Rampling and B. Donovan which was not completed will be continued today 26 March at 9.30am. Results of the social game T. Hagley, L. Marriott d R. Lawson, C. Hope 20-11.
The semi-final singles game was played on Sunday. D. Cross d C. Wickham 25-5.
The final of the singles is to be played today with D. Cross to play the winner out of M. Rampling and B. Donovan. Social bowls also starting at 1pm. A huge thank you to the ladies who donated food and groceries to the disaster relief appeal for Longreach.
Sunday afternoon social bowls results – K. Seaby, B. Bourke d Slave, J. Johnson 32-13.
Q. Hamer, V. Hemmings, C. Davidson d V. Gray (4 bowls) D. Scotney in a very close game 20-19.
Coming up this weekend will be social mixed bowls on Saturday 28 March at 1.30pm. There will be no bowls on Sunday.