The wetter the better

The picture for the period to June is for falls of between 50mm and 100mm inland, wetter towards the coast, with the Southern Downs tracking slightly better than average.

THE chance of rainfall in the 50mm to 100mm range across the Southern Downs in the next three months is better than average, according to the Bureau of Meteorology.
The bureau’s forecasts indicate that falls exceeding 50mm are almost certain, with a better than 50 per cent chance of receiving 100mm or more.
The major climate influence for the rainfall outlook is the warmer than normal sea surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean and that surrounding much of the Australian coastline. In the tropical Pacific, further warming is expected, with the bureau’s climate outlook model suggesting El Nino is likely during the latter part of the outlook period.
Warwick has received 203mm over 28 days of rain so far in 2015, and the two stations at Stanthorpe have recorded 40 days of rain totalling 196mm and 201mm.