Pool covers to retain heat

Karen Peters, aquatic co-ordinator and Brett Singh, Lifeguard, rolling out the new pool covers.

THE YMCA is committed to providing the best service possible to the local community, according to manager of the Warwick Indoor Recreation and Aquatic Centre (WIRAC) Frederic Meyer.
“We have identified the variation of water temperature in our pools as one of the issues that requires attention,” Mr Meyer said.
As a first step to assist with this issue, YMCA has purchased four new pool covers for the 25m pool to reduce the loss of heat overnight.
“This will assist us in reducing our gas costs until the new heat exchanger operates properly,” Mr Meyer said.
The pools in the main hall are heated to 29 degrees while the hydrotherapy is currently at 34 degrees, offering a pleasant experience to our customers in winter.
“Until end of August, we’ve boosted our offer for casual visitors. A family can use the pool for only $10 on weekends,” he said.
“If you pay your individual entry on Saturday we offer a free voucher to come back on Sunday.
“If you’re visiting Wirac with a friend, you only need to pay one entry on either Saturday or Sunday.
Similar offers exist on the weekend for casual gym users.”