Lighting up the sky

Anna and Cecilia Brannigan from Stanthorpe enjoy the bonfire.


WHILE light rain dampened some spirits, the third annual Tenterfield Cracker Night has still been hailed as a success with a crowd of more than 1300 joining in the fun.
The event organised by the Tenterfield Lions club was hampered by a little light rain early on according to Lions president Rod Stanford.
“It was once again successful despite light rain which no doubt kept some less hardy souls at home,” Mr Stanford said.
“Numbers were on par with the 2013 event with around 1300 patrons on the ground, this figure being around 200 down on last year.”
He said organisers had made some changes to the event for this year.
“The program and layout were re-jigged moving the bar closer to the main stage and starting the band in the early afternoon following the school choirs,” he said.
“This proved successful with patrons choosing to stay well after the fireworks to enjoy the ongoing entertainment while staying warm and dry around the huge bonfire and fire drums well into the evening.
“Once again Ten FM’s children’s games proved extremely popular with kids free to enjoy themselves to their hearts’ content without parents continually digging into their pockets.
“Thanks very much to Ten FM for a job well done.”
The fire drum competition once again brought forward some fantastic creations with Hillier Design’s Maximus Chrome, a miniature hearse complete with spinning wheels, LED lights and rotisserie taking out first prize of a family trip to Kingfisher Bay Resort sponsored by Rebel media and Kingfisher Bay resort as well as having their name immortalised on the fantastic perpetual Fire Drum trophy.
Rebel FM DJ Ash was on hand to present the prize to Troy, Clay and Clint who proudly raised the flaming trophy, a spectacular sight.
The minor placings in the open class were taken out by the Wallangarra School with its train entry Out of Track second and Andy Whitlock’s Dalek third.
The Family fire drum class was won by Toowomba’s Lill family with its Wildfire entry.
Gemma, Scott and daughter Macy took home a hamper valued at more than $1,500 donated by the town’s very generous business community.
“Thanks to all the volunteers who helped run the event with help coming from Stanthorpe and Killarney Lions clubs, Tenterfield Rotary, the Salvation Army, local RFS brigades, the Tenterfield Junior Soccer Club, Ten FM as well as members, family and friends of the Tenterfield Lions Club,” Rod said.
“The event took more than 80 volunteers to run and the Tenterfield Lions Club would like to thank each and every one of you for helping to make this event one of Tenterfield’s absolute favourites.”