Morning tea warms the hearts

Rosslyn Johnson, the deserving winner of the raffle's first prize of a handcrafted quilt at Woodenbong’s Biggest Morning Tea.


THE weather was cold and bleak but the Aussie Cuppa Group was assured of a wonderfully warm welcome for its Biggest Morning Tea which was held at Woodenbong Public Hall late last month.
Piping hot soup, sandwiches, slices, cakes, tea and coffee satisfied all tastes for morning tea and lunch.
Raffles proved popular and plentiful consisting of many donated prizes.
It was a pleasure to see Rosslyn Johnson rewarded by winning first prize because she and her group of volunteers put so much work into this event every year.
Rosslyn’s prize was a wonderfully handcrafted quilt which was made and donated by talented and generous local Joan Reid.
Her annual contribution is always sought after and Rosslyn was thrilled.
Woodenbong’s effort raised $2091.60.
Meanwhile Urbenville Senior Day Care hosted a morning tea and lunch at the Urbenville Bowling Club and residents of the Urbenville MPS hosted morning tea and raised $406.
A grand total of $2,497.60 was achieved and it was a truly wonderful result for the two villages as all funds go to the worthy cause, the Cancer Council. Well done.
Thank you to all who helped in any way in this combined effort.