Car break-ins all year



THIEVES strike homes less in Warwick during winter but one of your valuables is at risk all-year around, according to local police.
Warwick Sergeant Shane Reid said the majority of thefts in Warwick are car break-ins with up to five a week when offenders target the town.
Vehicle break-and-enters occur in spates, leading police to believe offenders operate in groups, Sgt Reid said.
“We find that property theft and unlawful entry of motor vehicles does decline in winter, but we do have small groups all-year around who if the opportunity present itself to grab something out of vehicles, they will,“ Sgt Reid said.
“They will go past 20 cars and maybe they will see three or four unlocked.“
Sgt Reid said many vehicle owner in the region were too trusting.
“They think that because they are in the country, they don’t need to lock their car, these are the opportunities that thieves look for.“
The loss of money or merchandise are not always the mostly costly part of a car break-in.
While only a small percentage of vehicle break-ins result in the car being stolen in Warwick, vandalism and extensive engine damage usually occur when it does.