Letters to the Editor

Job search
I WAS talking to a lot of people and also a councillor and all say the three councillors who said no to the budget are trying to score votes but it will not work, those councillors should be looking for a job as they will not be in council next year.
John Salata,
Glen Aplin.

Nukes are there
THE Prime Minister has said he welcomes a nuclear-free Middle East. But he deliberately ignored the fact that Israel has nuclear weapons.
Charles Gaitskell,

Get what you pay for
FREE to air television should be renamed the ‘ing’ show. There is advertising, dancing, singing, building, gardening, cooking, more cooking and more cooking!
So on comes the news and while the ABC spares us the advertising, the news is of murders, drugged monsters, children lost or abandoned.
Fires for winter warmth devour homes and businesses, sharks threaten beaches and vehicles are to become driverless! Recently in America a phone took over a vehicle and landed it in a ditch, driver and all! Can anyone believe that driverless cars will suddenly appear?
So to avoid all this chaos a newspaper is a means to escape awhile. Then the politicians come into view nine in a row, to determine how to gouge our money from their masters, us! The measly $419 billion they grabbed last year has not pleased them and will need to be fattened up, or gloom will descend upon them, not us but them, come election time!
The SDRC gets into the act with their poverty woes. Gotcha Allora they state, your water bills are into over-drive. So with ultra-boring television, news of the day off the menu, it is great that it is winter, the rain is on strike, and the old vinyl records sees the day out, until the cricket brings us alive at least, to save the day!
Melba Morris,

Rates strike
To the ratepayers and taxpayers of the SDRC. Who would stand with me on “not” paying rates at all for those with “no services” and for those other people who came here to live as it was affordable “just” to make ends meet and where we found there is little work for most.
We would pay only last year’s rate amount until this council is accountable. One issue is the Killarney wastewater amount on top of the water use that was to be taken off after three years of payment into the infrastructure that is now still being charged and should be refunded to ratepayers. You thought we would forget or be too busy or lethargic to challenge this discrepancy. We are up in arms now!
Donna Nevin,

Promises, promises
BEFORE the last election PM Tony promised, if elected, his mob would create a swag of jobs. However, he should have said: “I will create jobs for overseas people and interests”.
The jobs have gone to asylum seekers, a security contract awarded to a firm from Israel, submarines that could be built in South Australia will most probably go to Japan, and a Spanish company won the contract to build the Toowoomba second range crossing, thousands of backpackers are swarming over the country taking jobs from locals and Ford, Holden and Toyota have, or will soon, fly the coop.
What other conclusion can we draw than the Abbott regime is full to the brim with hypocrites. And finally, by 2025 a MILLION live cattle will be going to China annually while Australia’s citizens will be starving for meat because it will be too costly to buy.
Thanks a lot Tony; your gang has done its bit to put more nails in Australia’s coffin.
Jay Nauss,
Glen Aplin.