Relay for Life in full swing

The Groovy Grannies ready for their garage sale fund-raiser. Picture: Terry West


THE 2015 Relay for Life is only a month away and Warwick is already off to a solid start.
According to Relay for Life’s website, Warwick has already achieved over 10 per cent of its relay goal this year with almost $10,000 raised towards an $80,000 target.
The Groovy Grannies are back again, purple jerseys and all, and held a garage sale on Saturday in preparation for the Cancer Council event. It’s the second year in a row the 15 ladies have been together as the Groovy Grannies in an effort to raise money and awareness for cancer.
Group member Shirley Southee said their efforts last year were a huge success, making around $13,000.
Their garage sale featured a performance by country music group The Wuppies, as well as tea, coffee and a variety of items on sale.
“The garage sale went really well, we made around $1200 and got rid of most the stuff,” she said.
“I don’t think there’s one of us that hasn’t been affected by cancer or know someone who has. Hopefully, one day they’ll have a cure and we can be raising money for something else other than cancer.”
This week is also Paint the Town Purple week with the official launch yesterday outside Bi-Lo at Rose City. The week is aimed at getting local businesses involved in helping raise awareness with volunteers stationed inside the shopping centre all week.
This year’s Relay for Life will be held on 11 and 12 September from 3pm on the Saturday to 9am on the Sunday at Redbacks AFC Oval, Warwick. Registration for the event is $15 for under 18s and $20 for adults which includes a polo shirt and breakfast on the day.
Last year’s Relay for Life raised over $23 million across Australia for Cancer Council. For more information, visit