Services keep on growing

FOUNDED in 1876, the Warwick Benevolent Society has been providing for the needs of the aged in Warwick community for almost 140 years.
The society established Akooramak at 269 Wood Street West in 1972 with 30 residential care units.
From that time the facility has grown in size, quality and the range of services offered.
Akooramak provides residential care and accommodation for 100 older persons as permanent or respite placement, and to meet specific needs including those with memory support needs (dementia care) and palliative care.
Established in 1995, Akooramak Home Care commenced providing community aged care packages to care recipients in their own homes.
This service presently provides home care for 26 older persons.
At present a significant refurbishment program is being undertaken.
By the end of the current financial year all accommodation within Akooramak residential care will be provided in either new or fully refurbished single ensuited and air-conditioned rooms.
While this is an improvement in the quality of accommodation it will also greatly assist the care and care support staff to maintain and improve the quality of the services.
The Warwick Benevolent Society prides itself on providing genuine aged care services.
It may be considered traditional, but also contemporary.
As a Commonwealth approved provider, the society meets all the criteria and obligations as provided by the Aged Care Act 1997 (Cth), is fully accredited for quality, complies with all prudential requirements and is subject to a formal complaints process.
This means that all care recipients are assured of the quality and range of services they receive and have guaranteed methods to address concerns.
Akooramak provides an extensive social program for all residents.
This program is well supported by many volunteers who provide their time and skills to enhance the lives of the residents.
Residents enjoy visits to many local events and in this way are able to continue to participate as valued members of the broader community.
For residential and community aged care needs contact Akooramak on (07) 4661 4100, or