Woman dominates cancer

Bev Bevis has made a healthy transformation and continues to fight.

THE Cancer Council’s Pink Ribbon Day will be celebrated on 26 October this year and local businesses have been getting involved.
Curves will celebrate its 10th year supporting Pink Ribbon, with an estimated $1.6 million raised since the partnership began.
Bev Bevis was diagnosed with cancer over 15 years ago and she credits Curves and her shift towards a healthy lifestyle as big factors in her ongoing health.
“In December 1999 I was told that I had breast cancer. On 17 December I had a partial lumpectomy, on 23 December I was called back to have more lymph nodes removed. I didn’t have chemo but I had to have seven weeks of radium. After the second and third lots of radium I started to feel breathless and when I mentioned this to the radiologist she said that was part of the side effects,” she said.
“I happened to see a relieving doctor who sent me for an X-ray which showed the radium had burnt holes in my lungs and nothing more could be done for me.
“So it was up to me to help myself. I tried a few different exercise programs which helped to a point. In September 2012 I saw a display for Curves and decided to give it a go. The best decision I have ever made. I got stronger and fitter, great, and not long after I started I could walk up the 27 steps without stopping half way to catch my breath.
“Although the pain and the breathlessness will never go completely I can now manage them thanks to Curves.
“At my last mammogram it didn’t hurt and there was no bruising, which usually happened. It’s almost 16 years since I was diagnosed and both my arms are now the same size.
“I feel better than I have for 20 years. I feel I have my life back.”
It is estimated that one in three women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetimes. Local Warwick gym Curves has encouraged everyone to get active with regular exercise to help reduce cancer risks.