Warwick wins Australia Day

Leslie Park will host Australia Day celebrations in Warwick from next year.


LESLIE Park in Warwick will take over from Glengallan Homestead as the main location for Warwick’s Australia Day celebrations next year.
The Southen Regional Downs Council moved last month to open up a period of consultation with the public on where the celebrations should be held, after concerns were raised about the accessibility of Glengallan for some in the community.
An online survey was created, as per a previous council resolution, and opened for 21 days with 95 responses, with 53 per cent of the survey declaring their support for Glengallan.
However it was a petition submitted to council that ultimately swayed opinion.
The petition was presented to council with over 600 people signing and stating they wanted celebrations held in Warwick.
Warwick celebrations will now be held at Leslie Park and are to be organised by a committee set up by CEO David Keenan. Councillors Jamie Mackenzie and Neil Meiklejohn will sit on the committee after both putting their hands up.
It was ultimately decided that funding for Australia Day would be more evenly spread across the Southern Downs.
Warwick and Stanthorpe will receive equal funding getting $6000 each while Killarney Lions Club will receive $500 for celebrations there and Allora will get $500 towards continued celebrations at Glengallan Homestead.
Cr Mackenzie was pleased with the outcome.
“Today’s winner is public consultation,” he said.
“It’s about what the community says. To me Australia Day celebrations are run in each community and they all deserve our support.
“Feedback from the community is that this has always been a Warwick function.”
Deputy mayor Ross Bartley said it was a decision for the community.
“The petition shows there is a lot of passion in the community,” he said.
“For community access, I think the park is the appropriate place.”
Cr Glynn Rees was the lone voice against moving away from Glengallan.
“I’m a supporter of Glengallan Homestead. I think we’re very lucky to have that in our region,” he said.
Cr Rees was the only councillor to vote against shifting to Warwick as the motion was carried.