Stanthorpe previews future

The High Street Crossing Plaza with convenient crossing and outdoor dining areas.


RESIDENTS of Stanthorpe will be able to catch a glimpse into the future of the town with the Stanthorpe Streetscape Plan now on public display and available to view on online.
The streetscape plan was created by renowned landscape architect John Mongard and shows a vision of the future of Stanthorpe’s streets, parks and overall plan for structural design.
Southern Downs Regional Council decided in the general council meeting that they would put the plan on public display and invite written community feedback.
According to the plan “the Stanthorpe Streetscape Plan aims to create an integrated and walkable town centre focused around Stanthorpe’s main street and its key public spaces”.
Key elements of the plan include:
* Improving Maryland Street South with new public spaces, alfresco areas, pedestrian crossings, footpaths and laneway works.
* Introducing a new shaded carpark, walkways and a laneway public space for Rogers Street carpark and Frome Lane.
* A new crossing, footpaths and alfresco areas for the High Street gateway.
* Avenue planting and footpaths for the southern town entry.
* New footpaths and shade trees for town linkage works including the Gallery Walk.
Residents have expressed some concern about the potential costs of the developments but Cr Jamie Mackenzie, who has a background in town planning, said the community should not be overly concerned with the cost of the plan as it is broken up into a series of projects.
“The report carefully divides the design concept into a series of projects. We do not have the money yet but the completion of the study puts us in a position to attract funds” Cr Mackenzie said.
“I am excited about the Stanthorpe Streetscape Study, not only because John Mongard has extensively consulted with the community, but has creatively interpreted the suggestions.
“For Stanthorpe, we want something unique with quality in the town centre. It is a very restrained design to fit with budget constraints but it has a ‘wow’ factor”.
Southern Downs mayor Peter Blundell said community input was important.
“It’s important to bring this project full circle, and enable the community to review and provide comment on the masterplan. Written submissions will be considered and incorporated into a report with recommendations on the masterplan before its final adoption by council,” Cr Blundell said.
Residents wishing to view the document can see it at the Stanthorpe Community Contact Centre and Library, and the Stanthorpe Visitor Information Centre or alternatively they can view it online through the council’s website.