Centenary March of the Dungarees

A small pictorial record of the March of the Dungarees in November 1915.

RESIDENTS in Warwick and the Southern Downs will be able to witness a special event next month when the 100 year anniversary of the March of the Dungarees is commemorated.
The March of the Dungarees commenced in Warwick in 1915 with the intention of recruiting men for World War I.
Initially, 28 local men enlisted and by the time the march reached Brisbane, a total of 128 men had signed up for the war.
The night before they left, the local community of Warwick gathered to show their support and spirited applause as the men awaited their departure at dawn.
Southern Downs Regional Council has organised a re-enactment to take place in Warwick to mark the centenary anniversary.
Southern Downs Regional Council mayor Peter Blundell said the event would allow people to experience what the energy was like in the community 100 years ago.
“From 5.30pm, the events of 1915 will be re-enacted, before moving into the Warwick Town Hall for a formal ceremony followed by an evening of music and poetry,” he said.
“It’s a wonderful opportunity for families to pay tribute to the men who volunteered to serve Australia in the First World War.
“Tickets to the evening event are free, but unfortunately there is limited space. More information on how to secure your ticket will be available shortly. However, the event will be streamed live on a big screen outside the Town Hall, so residents can bring along a chair to be part of the proceedings.”
There will also be four commemorative walls will be on display in the Allora, Stanthorpe, and Warwick libraries.
“Council is inviting members of the community to contribute their memories, tributes, and photos to these walls to share with the wider community,” Cr Blundell said.
Information about how to contribute to the commemorative walls is available from Southern Downs Regional Council on 1300 MY SDRC (1300 697 372).
More information on the event can be found at www.qld.gov.au/anzac100dungarees.