We remember them

Three veterans lead the procession.


THE Southern Downs has honoured Remembrance Day with simultaneous services held across the region.
On Wednesday services were held across Warwick, Stanthorpe, Allora, Killarney, Wallangarra, Liston and Amiens.
It was the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain and the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II.
Leslie Park celebrated a big turnout with local schools, veterans and members of Southern Downs Regional Council.
Warwick RSL Sub-branch president John Skinner oversaw the service that featured addresses from Reverend Kevin Stow, Captain Russell Joyce, Sally Higgins from Assumption College, and Roche and Basil Nolan from St Mary’s Primary School.
The Last Post was performed by bugler Brendan Babington and the bagpipes were handled by piper Fitzroy Somerset from Scots PGC College.
At 11am a Spitfire plane was organised to fly over the service, much to the awe of the crowd.
Mr Skinner concluded the service.
“Thank you for taking a few minutes of your day for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice,” he said.
Lest we forget.