Hop to it to help our little frogs


WITH Queensland’s frogs out in full force after summer rains, the foundation for National Parks and Wildlife is warning Southern Downs residents that now is a good time to keep their eyes and ears peeled for froggy friends.
Some of the common species to look out for include the Green Tree Frog, the Striped Marsh Frog, and the Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog.
To make sure they stick around, the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife has some easy tips for making a pond in just a few hours.
Backyard Buddies is a free program run by Australia’s Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife.
Each month participants get a Backyard Buddies email (B-mail) with tips to make backyards inviting and safe for native animals, according to group CEO Susanna Bradshaw.
“Water is incredibly important for Australia’s wildlife, especially our huge variety of frogs,” Ms Bradshaw said.
“A pond can offer an easy, permanent water source for your local amphibian buddies and will also benefit lots of other native animals too.”
“Australia is home to over 200 species of frogs that are found nowhere else in the world. Sadly Australia also has one of the highest rates of amphibian extinction in the world. So anything you can do around Warwick to provide habitat for them, will be a big help.”
“Australian frogs are facing threats from the devastating Chytrid fungus, water pollution, drought, predation from introduced pests and much more. Their numbers haven’t plummeted like this since the extinction of the dinosaurs.”
She said if there was space, the best thing Southern Downs residents could do for local frogs is create a pond for them.
“Frogs are great to have around,”Ms Bradshaw said.
“They show that you live within a healthy ecosystem as they are very sensitive to chemicals and environmental degradation. Don’t touch frogs as any sunscreen or insect repellent on your skin can make them sick.”
“We strongly advise that you do not relocate frogs or tadpoles as you could unintentionally be spreading the deadly Chytrid fungus.”
“While not all frogs live around ponds, they all need a water source to reproduce and keep their porous skin moist,” said Ms Bradshaw.
“One of the best ways to work out what species of frog you have in your garden is by simply listening to their call and checking it with an app or online. There are a couple of frog ID apps that you can download including Frogs of Australia for iPhones and Frogs Field Guide for any device,” Ms Bradshaw said.
“The calls that you hear are only made by male frogs when they’re trying to attract females. Listen out now as there is always a peak in frog calls in warm, wet weather. See how many different species you can hear in the summer rains.”
How to Make a Frog Pond featured in the January B-mail. Sign up for B-mail and download a free factsheet about building your own Frog Pond at www.backyardbuddies.net.au

How to make a frog pond in 10 easy steps:
1. Decide on what type of pond you want such as fibreglass, hard plastic mould or freeform pond liner. You can even convert an unused swimming pool into a pond.
2. Choose a position in a natural depression that is roughly 2/3 in the shade and 1/3 in the sun.
3. See if you can time constructing your pond before some decent rain, to improve the pond water quality and increase the chances of frogs finding your pond.
4. Dig your hole and line with sand. The sand helps make your pond level and protect it from punctures. Make sure your pond fits snuggly in the hole and fill in any gaps with soil or sand.
5. Always rinse and clean anything you want to place in the pond as frogs are very sensitive to chemicals. Add a layer of small, clean pebbles or gravel to the bottom of the pond.
6. Next place several different species of (preferably native) aquatic plants and work out where you want to position them.
7. Turn your hose on low and fill up the pond. If you are using mains water, the chlorine in the water will usually need to evaporate over a few days before frogs will use it.
8. While the pond is filling, you can plant some natives around the pond. Try to use a wide variety of grasses, sedges, and small shrubs to suit a variety of different frogs. Rocks and logs around and in the pond will complete the habitat. A stick draped across the water will help the frogs climb in and out.
9. If you want, you can buy algae flakes from most pet stores to feed tadpoles to help them get enough food when your pond is new. You can also feed them lettuce and spinach. After a few weeks the pond will be able to naturally provide food for your tadpoles.
10. Be patient as it may take a few months before your local frogs find your new pond.