‘Dead money’ debt is killing council

Council candidate Marika McNichol talking with Warwick resident Leanne Bednarz and her daughter.

CANDIDATE for the Southern Downs Regional Council election Marika McNichol has warned that the council’s huge debt is scheduled to get worse if action isn’t taken immediately.
“Council currently carries more than $27 million debt on an operating budget of $66 million and has run an operating deficit for four of the past five years,” Marika said.
“This means that every year, ratepayers pay around $2 million dollars in interest to banks – it’s dead money!”
She said the Queensland Treasury Corporation recently confirmed how perilous the situation has become when it announced a Credit Risk Review of Southern Downs Regional Council.
“Clearly they are not only worried about our current debt but also council proposals to increase our debt. Increased debt is just not on,” Marika said.
“I’m hearing this from every resident and business person I listen to. Voters must make the message loud and clear.”
Marika said she was encouraged that new Southern Downs Council CEO David Keenan seems keen to rectify the situation.
“Mr Keenan’s recognition that the state of our finances is ‘dire’, as he put it, suggests he wants a sustainable solution,” she said.
“I’m hoping electors will vote in councillors who will give him the support he needs to implement a genuine debt reduction plan.
“I will certainly support such a plan.”
Marika said reducing debt requires responsible management and budgetary discipline.
She advocates a review of council services in order to make them quicker, more effective and at a cost ratepayers can afford.
“We’ve seen numerous examples where council gets these things wrong,” she said.
“They are closing smaller waste transfer stations and upgrading key ones. That sounds fine until you discover the new system will cost ratepayers more than the one they are replacing.
“That’s the kind of madness we have to stop.
“People from Allora to Wallangarra are telling me that.”