Church’s about song, dance tea and play

One of the youngsters from Messy Church.

THE popular Messy Church and mainly music programs are back and running at the Uniting Church Warwick.
After a long hot summer, the popular Mainly Music program is back, with Warwick sessions being on Thursdays – 9.15 to 10.45am or 10.15 to 11.45am.
Both sessions involve songs, dance, morning tea and play. Grandmas and Grandpas are always welcome to join in the busyness with their ‘little people’.
Organisers say they will miss the ‘older’ children as they start either kindy or preschool and wish them many happy learning experiences as they branch out into the big world of school.
However, hopefully they will keep in touch via Messy Church.
Messy Church is held on the second Friday of every month – twice a term – from 5pm to 7.30pm – starting with games, a light meal, crafts and a short message – then dessert and home by 7.30pm.
The Messy Church evenings are attracting young families who enjoy the relaxed environment of other families – wanting their children to learn about God’s message for us all in this busy, sometimes difficult world.
For all inquiries – ring the UCA church office in the morning – 4661 1080.