Don endowed with life membership


DON McKechnie has been awarded life membership of the Rose City Probus Club following more than a decade of work.
Don was one of a local group of people responsible for the establishment of the Probus organisation in Warwick in 2003, becoming a foundation member and vice-president of the Warwick Combined Probus Club, early that year.
In 2012, when the number of retirees interested in joining a Probus club in Warwick increased to the point, where a second Probus club was necessitated, Don worked tirelessly with both Warwick Rotary clubs and Probus South Pacific Limited, to see that a second club, Rose City Warwick Probus Club, eventuated.
Rose City Probus Club now has a membership of more than 80, so it is highly likely that in time, a third club will be formed in Warwick.
Don has held the offices of founding vice-president, secretary, president and welfare officer within the two clubs, dedicating much of his leisure time to the promotion of Probus affairs.
He has fostered friendly relationships between district Probus clubs at Highfields, Stanthorpe, Tenterfield and Beaudesert during his time in Probus.
Rose City Probus is indebted to Don McKechnie for his leadership and guidance, since the inception of Probus in Warwick in 2003. Experience gained during Don’s career in public life and his extensive knowledge of Probus matters, together with his genuine concern for others, guaranteed success for the newly formed club, now under the capable leadership of Roy Waites, and in its fifth year of operation.
In recognition of his dedication to the Probus organisation in Warwick, Don McKechnie was awarded a life membership by the Rose City (Warwick) Probus Club, at their recent annual general meeting.
Following the meeting, the club enjoyed an Irish-themed meal. New members are always welcome to join when the club meets on the third Wednesday of the month in the dining room of the Warwick Christian College, Horseman Road.
For inquiries, phone Brian 4661 4490 or Roy 4661 9728.