Letters to the Editor


History of betrayal
MR TURNBULL stabbed Mr Abbott claiming the need for a sharper economic focus as key priority.
“There has been a change of Prime Minister, but we are a very, very strong government,” he said.
But our defence force has just run out of money to pay our Army Reserve.
Locally, more than 1000 reserve soldiers in our 11th Brigade with units at nearly 30 places around Queensland are affected.
Soldiers have been told they will not be paid well-forecast, predicted wages until the next financial year.
A spokesman said members of the 11 BDE would support ceremonial activities on Anzac Day but reservists said they would be doing so on a voluntary basis.
By comparison Turnbull has plenty of money to buy ads about his “innovation” genius and threw $1 billion away while big-noting at the Paris climate change conference.
He also blew another $1 billion for a whacky green energy finance scheme – dedicated to finding new ways to give free money to idle people’s dumb ideas.
Ungrateful economic refugees get our tax-payers’ money, but we don’t have enough cash to pay our soldiers?
We only have a working border protection policy because Turnbull inherited Abbott’s plan. Mr Abbott had a strong national security policy.
What sort of worthless group is now responsible for this country? Turnbull’s indecisive dithering is known. What sort of self-seeking MPs voted to ditch Mr Abbott?
Geoff Pickering,
Rosenthal Heights.

Political legacy
WE LIVE in a world where decisions are taken by hook or by crook with all parties, groups of politicians and all who sail with them no longer held to account. Listening to radio is more informative than any other form of media.
Loudly and in tones so certain on this day, a people smuggler in Indonesia crowed his delight that there would be a change of government in the next election and thousands of boat people were lining up to pay their way to Australia!
Then there is the Adani coal mine with burning ambitions.
There will be six open cut and five underground mines worth $21.7 billion.
Its life of 90 years was for 60 million tonnes of coal a year mined, 4875 jobs created, $4.1 billion to Queensland (to waste as they have all other mining revenue!). This on a now cattle station. The destruction of such magnitude is Australia’s politicians’ gift!
I see where Pauline Hansen is standing for the Queensland Senate next election and she has a candidate standing for Maranoa! Voting will never be so easy, unlike the local council carve up!
Melba Morris,