Kids look for new direction

Ben and Adam Peacock from Toowoomba Grammar School at the orienteering event on Sunday. Pictures TERRY WEST

A GRAZING property at Dalveen was the venue for an orienteering event conducted by the local Bullecourt Boulder Bounders Orienteering Club on Sunday 10 April.
Organisers of the event, Anne and Doug Wilson from Warwick, had hoped for a good roll up on Sunday with five courses available for regular competitors as well as newcomers.
“The property combined open, runnable forest and grazing areas with areas of scattered granite which makes for enjoyable running as well as a real navigation challenge,” they said.
Quite a few of the kids had also participated in a three-day junior training camp held at Leslie Dam, starting on Friday, and Sunday’s event were the camp championships.
Mrs Wilson said people of all ages can take up orienteering and they can walk, jog or run, depending on their level of fitness.
This event took place nine kilometres north of Dalveen, off the Old Stanthorpe-Warwick Road.