Restless until Timeless release

Penny and Roger. Picture: STUART RAYNER

STANTHORPE-BASED performers Penny Davies and Roger Ilott are about to release their latest album Timeless Land – Songs of a Restless Country.
Penny and Roger, well-known for their songs Hey Rain!, Where the Cane Fires Burn and The Monkeys Sing Soprano Around Stanthorpe in July, and have released 20 albums since they first got together in Sydney, in 1976.
“In 1982 we established our folk music label and recording studio, Restless Music, at our rented cottage in Balmain, NSW, where we recorded lots of Sydney folksingers and songwriters,” Penny said.
“We moved up to Storm King, near Stanthorpe, in 1987 and kept the music coming.”
Penny said Timeless Land featured many songs about Australia’s history, including Ballad of Eureka, Ballad of 1891 and Windy Gully, as well as songs such as The Whistling Train, which was featured on the oral history, In Search of the Fruit Train- The Story of the Amiens Branch Line.
“Over the lifetime of Restless Music, we’ve met, recorded, performed and worked with many Australian songwriters and singers who have introduced us to some wonderful songs,” she said.
“We’ve cherry-picked the best of them for this album.”
The album will shortly be available on CD and as a download through the Restless Music website