Hat from China, miner, deep sea diver

Students at West Warwick prepare for the special hat day presentation. 154372

EAGER readers will gather in schools, libraries, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country to simultaneously read I Got This Hat on Wednesday 25 May, as part of National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS).
The annual campaign aimed at encouraging more young Australians to read and enjoy books last year saw over 500,000 children participate at over 3100 locations across Australia in the reading of The Brothers Quibble by Aaron Badley.
Warwick West School teacher-librarian Sue Higgins praised the NSS initiative, which is organised annually by the Australian Library and Information Association.
“NSS is a vibrant, fun event that aims to promote the value of reading and literacy, using an Australian children’s book that explores age-appropriate themes and addresses key learning areas,” she said.
With concern for flagging literacy levels in Australia, the Centre for Independent Studies earlier this year launched its ‘FIVE from FIVE’ literacy program, aimed at having all Australian children learn to read properly. The report suggests that around one million (one in four) Australian children are at risk of reading failure.
Mrs Higgins said that findings like these stressed the importance of parents making reading a priority, saying they have to be part of the push to improve Australia’s literacy levels.
West School plans to make the most of NSS by gathering as a whole school to read I Got This Hat at 11am on the big screen in the school hall.
“We will be inviting the whole school community to come dressed in their most amazing, interesting, unique, funny, quirky, ridiculous, well-loved hats,” Mrs Higgins said.
Mrs Higgins will read the chosen text and, in the lead-up to the event, the West library will become an Amazing Hat Emporium with hats from all walks of life that tell the stories of their wearers.
“This is another exercise in putting the spotlight on reading, but it also opens opportunities for great oral stories about the how, where and why of the many different hats.”
In the lead-up to National Simultaneous Storytime, staff member Julie Payne assisted by past staff member, Leanne Olivotto will run a special presentation about the art of millinery on Tuesday 24 May in the library at lunch time.
To complement National Simultaneous Storytime and as part of Library and Information Week, West School will be holding their annual book fair from 18 to 25 May. Mrs Higgins is looking forward to the multi-function room buzzing with excitement as students navigate their way around the school’s very own book shop, stocked with loads of amazing reads for kids.
“The more our families support the book fair, the more our school benefits with bonus books for the library. We are very thankful for our book fair team of Jacinta Lyons, Tammy Mullaly and their happy helpers, who volunteer their time to make the book fair possible.”
Warwick West library definitely has the art of making reading exciting.