Tourism body dumped

Mayor Tracy Dobie.

SOUTHERN Downs has stopped providing funds to the region’s peak tourism body Destination Southern Downs and will form an “in-house” group to help with the delivery of economic development, major events and tourism services.
Mayor Tracy Dobie said the move was aimed at optimising resources and reducing red tape and would be implemented soon following a decision by Southern Downs Regional Council at its special meeting held Wednesday.
Cr Dobie said the council had resolved that it would not provide any further funding to Destination Southern Downs in the future, and new service delivery arrangements would be introduced.
“The council will not be providing funding to Destination Southern Downs and will be requesting that they cease delivery of their services by 30 June 2016,” the mayor said.
In a statement issued late yesterday to valued members, volunteers, and industry figures, Destination Southern Downs chairwoman Corinne Butler expressed her disappointment at the decision.
“Today, we have received notification that our core funding body, Southern Downs Regional Council (SDRC) will cease funding Destination Southern Downs as of 30 June 2016 and as of that date, staff must evacuate the premises,” she said in the statement.
“Detailed information is yet to be provided. However, SDRC has indicated funding and tourism services will be directed internally.
“Though we respect the council’s decision, it is with extreme disappoint we make this announcement.
“Not only from a personal level, but our knowledge of tourism at a state and national level, combined with the comprehensive report provided by international tourism specialist, TEAM Tourism, indicates that an independent body to supply visitor servicing, event support, and destination marketing is industry best practice.
“Furthermore, with the lengthy transition phase of the amalgamation process behind us, strategic marketing and event support was starting to be delivered, with a number of core deliverables achieved this month.
“Thank you for your support to date, and we hope to provide you with further information in the not too distant future.”
Under the new arrangements, the services provided by Destination Southern Downs will now be provided directly by the council.
“This will allow for the alignment of service delivery and support for major events, the development of a comprehensive marketing strategy for the region, the allocation of additional resources to economic development, and the effective management of the Visitor Information Centres, recognising the significant contribution made by volunteers in welcoming visitors to the region,” Cr Dobie said.
“The services will be provided by a new Economic Development, Major Events and Tourism Unit, led by a co-ordinator.
“The council will utilise existing staff to deliver these services, as well as seeking additional staff to deliver services for the management of the Visitor Information Centres.
“Key to these changes is a considerable cost saving for the council and the community that will be achieved by utilising existing council staff to deliver some of these services,” she said.
The clear focus of the new Economic Development, Major Events and Tourism Unit will be to:
* Market the Southern Downs region to potential residents as a highly liveable location, and to visitors as the premier country escape for sport, recreation entertainment and relaxation.
* Attract more businesses to the region, small and large, and assist existing businesses to expand.
* Provide business cases for new infrastructure and services that can be advocated for by the council and the community.
* Draw new residents to the region to ensure that physical and social infrastructure is used to its full potential and the rate base is expanded.
* Facilitate and support long-standing major events and festivals in the region, as well as attracting new events to the region that increase visitation and provide an economic stimulus to local businesses.
* Co-ordinate and act as a single point of contact for civic and community events.
* And, manage Visitor Information Centres that offer high quality services and the potential for all businesses to promote their services, in a positive and professional environment.
“A meeting was conducted today with the general manager and deputy chair of Destination Southern Downs who gave their assurances that there would be a smooth transition over the next six weeks to ensure that the council is ready to take over the services.
“The Visitor Information Centres in Stanthorpe and Warwick will remain open and continue to provide services to visitors.
“I would stress that there will be no disruption to the delivery of major events such as Snowflakes in Stanthorpe and Jumpers and Jazz in July,” Cr Dobie said.
Cr Dobie highlighted the importance of having strong linkages between economic development, major events and tourism.
“All of these activities should have a focus on creating employment, investment and prosperity in the Southern Downs.
“The council has a solid role to play in economic development, ensuring that employment is created to meet the needs of the working community and ensuring that there are options for our young people to remain in the place they grew up.
“Furthermore, the effective delivery of major events is very important as it provides an opportunity to bring people to the region and for us to highlight the key liveability aspects of the different places to live in the area, as well as utilising our businesses and services.
“Major events provide the opportunity to convert visitors into residents and, in some instances, new residents bring new businesses which create employment.
“Marketing the tourism experiences of the Southern Downs and working with the different tourism businesses and operators will be integral to lifting visitor numbers, as well as targeting specific groups that will bring higher levels of expenditure to the region, will be part of an overall marketing strategy that will ensure the future prosperity of the Southern Downs.
“Ensuring that scarce council funds are used to provide a high return in the form of employment and investment is a key priority of the council.
“The establishment of the Economic Development, Major Events and Tourism Unit represents an effective resource for delivering these services and means that red tape will be reduced in dealing with businesses and the provision of major events.
“The council wishes to thank the board members and employees that have worked on behalf of Destination Southern Downs over the previous 12 months.”